met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
The Second Edition of The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology, like the First Edition, represents a collaborative effort by a multidisciplinary group of cytopathologists, surgical pathologists, molecular pathologists, radiologists, and head and neck surgeons. This international group shares the goal of creating a practical and uniform reporting system for salivary gland fine needle aspiration (FNA). This book is organized into six general diagnostic categories: "Non-Diagnostic," "Non-Neoplastic," "Atypia of Undetermined Significance (AUS)," "Neoplasm: Benign," "Neoplasm: Salivary Gland Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (SUMP)," "Suspicious for Malignancy," and "Malignant." It includes definitions, morphologic criteria, and explanations for each of the diagnostic categories. Specific chapters are dedicated to the application of the latest available ancillary studies, radiologic features of salivary gland lesions, clinical management, and histological considerations including updates from the most recent 5th Edition WHO blue book.The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology 2nd Edition represents an essential step towards increasing the overall effectiveness of salivary gland FNA and fostering better communication between clinicians and between institutions to improve overall patient care.
Springer International Publishing AG
22 juni 2023
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