met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
Fifteen years have elapsed since the publication of the original book under the same title. With the passage of time little has changed and the same conceptual mistakes continue to be made in the practice of urinary cytopathology as in the past. For this reason a much simplified new edition of this book with the application of new processing techniques has been thought to be a worthwhile undertaking . Numerous new color photographs from the file of the co-editor have replaced old black and white photographs and will hopefully support the brief text for the benefit of patients. This volume will appeal to urologists as well as pathologists, cytopathologists and related professions. * Provides unique urological evaluations of the urinary bladder * Written by experts in the field * Comprehensive guide with a plethora of color photos Table of contents Chapter 1- Introduction Chapter 2- Indication, Collection and Laboratory Processing of Cytologic Samples Principal Indication Collection Techniques Laboratory Processing of Samples Suggested Reading Chapter 3- The Cellular and Acellular Components of the Urinary Sediment Normal Urothelium (Transitional Epithelium) and Its Cells Other Benign Cells Noncellular Components of the Urinary Sediment Suggested Reading Chapter 4- The Cytologic Makeup of the Urinary Sediment According to the Collection Technique Voided urine Cytologic Makeup of Bladder Washings Cytologic Makeup of Normal Specimens Obtained by Retrograde Catheterization Cytologic Makeup of Smears Obtained by Brushing Cytologic Makeup of Ileal Bladder Urine Chapter 5- Cytologic Manifestations of Benign Disorders Affecting Cells of the Lower Urinary Tract Inflammatory disorders Cellular inclusions not due to viral agents Trematodes and other parasites Lithiasis Leukoplakia Effect of Drugs Effects of radiotherapy Monitoring of renal transplant patients Urinary Cytology in Renal Transplant Patients Rare benign conditions Suggested Reading Chapter 6- Tumors of the Bladder Non-Neoplastic Changes Hyperplasia Inverted papilloma Urothelial (Transitional) Cell Tumors Epidemiology Classification and natural history Types of Urothelial Tumors A. Papillary Urothelial Neoplasms I. Tumors with No/Minimal Nuclear Atypia Papilloma, PUNLMP, low grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma II. High-Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma B. Nonpapillary Urothelial Tumors I. Invasive Urothelial Carcinomas II. Flat Carcinoma In Situ (IUN III): Clinical Presentation, Histology Histologic Variants of Urothelial Carcinoma Metastatic Tumors Cytologic Monitoring of Patients Treated for Tumors of Lower Urinary Tract Reporting of cytologic findings Suggested Reading Chapter 7- Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry and Other Methods of Detection of Bladder Neoplasms Introduction US FDA-approved Markers Potential Markers in Earlier Phases of Clinical Development Markers Detected by Immunocytochemistry Comparison between Urine Cytology and FDA-approved Markers Conclusion References Chapter 4- The Cytologic Makeup of the Urinary Sediment According to the Collection Technique Voided urine Cytologic Makeup of Bladder Washings Cytologic Makeup of Normal Specimens Obtained by Retrograde Catheterization Cytologic Makeup of Smears Obtained by Brushing Cytologic Makeup of Ileal Bladder Urine Chapter 5- Cytologic Manifestations of Benign Disorders Affecting Cells of the Lower Urinary Tract Inflammatory disorders Cellular inclusions not due to viral agents Trematodes and other parasites Lithiasis Leukoplakia Effect of Drugs Effects of radiotherapy Monitoring of renal transplant patients Urinary Cytology in Renal Transplant Patients Rare benign conditions Suggested Reading Chapter 6- Tumors of the Bladder Non-Neoplastic Changes Hyperplasia Inverted papilloma Urothelial (Transitional) Cell Tumors Epidemiology Classification and natural history Types of Urothelial Tumors A. Papillary Urothelial Neoplasms I. Tumors with No/Minimal Nuclear Atypia Papilloma, PUNLMP, low grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma II. High-Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma B. Nonpapillary Urothelial Tumors I. Invasive Urothelial Carcinomas II. Flat Carcinoma In Situ (IUN III): Clinical Presentation, Histology Histologic Variants of Urothelial Carcinoma Metastatic Tumors Cytologic Monitoring of Patients Treated for Tumors of Lower Urinary Tract Reporting of cytologic findings Suggested Reading Chapter 7- Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry and Other Methods of Detection of Bladder Neoplasms Introduction US FDA-approved Markers Potential Markers in Earlier Phases of Clinical Development Markers Detected by Immunocytochemistry Comparison between Urine Cytology and FDA-approved Markers Conclusion References Cellular inclusions not due to viral agents Trematodes and other parasites Lithiasis Leukoplakia Effect of Drugs Effects of radiotherapy Monitoring of renal transplant patients Urinary Cytology in Renal Transplant Patients Rare benign conditions Suggested Reading Chapter 6- Tumors of the Bladder Non-Neoplastic Changes Hyperplasia Inverted papilloma Urothelial (Transitional) Cell Tumors Epidemiology Classification and natural history Types of Urothelial Tumors A. Papillary Urothelial Neoplasms I. Tumors with No/Minimal Nuclear Atypia Papilloma, PUNLMP, low grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma II. High-Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma B. Nonpapillary Urothelial Tumors I. Invasive Urothelial Carcinomas II. Flat Carcinoma In Situ (IUN III): Clinical Presentation, Histology Histologic Variants of Urothelial Carcinoma Metastatic Tumors Cytologic Monitoring of Patients Treated for Tumors of Lower Urinary Tract Reporting of cytologic findings Suggested Reading Chapter 7- Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry and Other Methods of Detection of Bladder Neoplasms Introduction US FDA-approved Markers Potential Markers in Earlier Phases of Clinical Development Markers Detected by Immunocytochemistry Comparison between Urine Cytology and FDA-approved Markers Conclusion References Chapter 4- The Cytologic Makeup of the Urinary Sediment According to the Collection Technique Voided urine Cytologic Makeup of Bladder Washings Cytologic Makeup of Normal Specimens Obtained by Retrograde Catheterization Cytologic Makeup of Smears Obtained by Brushing Cytologic Makeup of Ileal Bladder Urine Chapter 5- Cytologic Manifestations of Benign Disorders Affecting Cells of the Lower Urinary Tract Inflammatory disorders Cellular inclusions not due to viral agents Trematodes and other parasites Lithiasis Leukoplakia Effect of Drugs Effects of radiotherapy Monitoring of renal transplant patients Urinary Cytology in Renal Transplant Patients Rare benign conditions Suggested Reading Chapter 6- Tumors of the Bladder Non-Neoplastic Changes Hyperplasia Inverted papilloma Urothelial (Transitional) Cell Tumors Epidemiology Classification and natural history Types of Urothelial Tumors A. Papillary Urothelial Neoplasms I. Tumors with No/Minimal Nuclear Atypia Papilloma, PUNLMP, low grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma II. High-Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma B. Nonpapillary Urothelial Tumors I. Invasive Urothelial Carcinomas II. Flat Carcinoma In Situ (IUN III): Clinical Presentation, Histology Histologic Variants of Urothelial Carcinoma Metastatic Tumors Cytologic Monitoring of Patients Treated for Tumors of Lower Urinary Tract Reporting of cytologic findings Suggested Reading Chapter 7- Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry and Other Methods of Detection of Bladder Neoplasms Introduction US FDA-approved Markers Potential Markers in Earlier Phases of Clinical Development Markers Detected by Immunocytochemistry Comparison between Urine Cytology and FDA-approved Markers Conclusion References Cellular inclusions not due to viral agents Trematodes and other parasites Lithiasis Leukoplakia Effect of Drugs Effects of radiotherapy Monitoring of renal transplant patients Urinary Cytology in Renal Transplant Patients Rare benign conditions Suggested Reading Chapter 6- Tumors of the Bladder Non-Neoplastic Changes Hyperplasia Inverted papilloma Urothelial (Transitional) Cell Tumors Epidemiology Classification and natural history Types of Urothelial Tumors A. Papillary Urothelial Neoplasms I. Tumors with No/Minimal Nuclear Atypia Papilloma, PUNLMP, low grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma II. High-Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma B. Nonpapillary Urothelial Tumors I. Invasive Urothelial Carcinomas II. Flat Carcinoma In Situ (IUN III): Clinical Presentation, Histology Histologic Variants of Urothelial Carcinoma Metastatic Tumors Cytologic Monitoring of Patients Treated for Tumors of Lower Urinary Tract Reporting of cytologic findings Suggested Reading Chapter 7- Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry and Other Methods of Detection of Bladder Neoplasms Introduction US FDA-approved Markers Potential Markers in Earlier Phases of Clinical Development Markers Detected by Immunocytochemistry Comparison between Urine Cytology and FDA-approved Markers Conclusion References Cellular inclusions not due to viral agents Trematodes and other parasites Lithiasis Leukoplakia Effect of Drugs Effects of radiotherapy Monitoring of renal transplant patients Urinary Cytology in Renal Transplant Patients Rare benign conditions Suggested Reading Chapter 6- Tumors of the Bladder Non-Neoplastic Changes Hyperplasia Inverted papilloma Urothelial (Transitional) Cell Tumors Epidemiology Classification and natural history Types of Urothelial Tumors A. Papillary Urothelial Neoplasms I. Tumors with No/Minimal Nuclear Atypia Papilloma, PUNLMP, low grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma II. High-Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma B. Nonpapillary Urothelial Tumors I. Invasive Urothelial Carcinomas II. Flat Carcinoma In Situ (IUN III): Clinical Presentation, Histology Histologic Variants of Urothelial Carcinoma Metastatic Tumors Cytologic Monitoring of Patients Treated for Tumors of Lower Urinary Tract Reporting of cytologic findings Suggested Reading Chapter 7- Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry and Other Methods of Detection of Bladder Neoplasms Introduction US FDA-approved Markers Potential Markers in Earlier Phases of Clinical Development Markers Detected by Immunocytochemistry Comparison between Urine Cytology and FDA-approved Markers Conclusion References
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
7 februari 2012
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