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A series of concise, illustrated, and accessible guides to the human body systems: the perfect companion for students and newly registered practitioners across nursing and allied health fields.Each of the twelve volumes in Peate's Body Systems series is rooted in the belief that a deep and thorough understanding of the human body is essential for providing the highest standard of care. Offering clear, accessible and up-to-date information on different body systems, this series bridges the gap between complex scientific concepts and practical, everyday applications in health and care settings. This series makes for an invaluable resource for those committed to understanding the intricacies of human biology, physiology and the various systems that sustain life.Series includes:The Cardiovascular System, ISBN 9781394252350The Respiratory System, ISBN 9781394252381The Digestive System, ISBN 9781394252411The Renal System, ISBN 9781394252442The Nervous System, ISBN 9781394252473The Endocrine System, ISBN 9781394252503The Female Reproductive System, ISBN 9781394252534The Male Reproductive System, ISBN 9781394252565The Musculoskeletal System, ISBN 9781394252596The Skin, ISBN 9781394252626Ear, Nose and Throat, ISBN 9781394252657The Eyes, ISBN 9781394252688
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