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Since the popular second edition of The Laboratory Swine was published more than a decade ago, the number of pigs used in toxicity studies has increased as an alternative to commonly used non-rodent species, while, at the same time, large developments have been made in welfare concepts of laboratory animals. Pigs have gained prominence in both basic and applied research, leading to a significant increase in publication activity.This third edition summarizes these new insights, raising the bar for humane care and use of pigs, from agricultural sources to genetically and microbiological defined minipigs. Aimed at animal caretakers, technicians, laboratory animal veterinarians, and investigators planning and performing studies on pigs, it provides an overview with extensive references for further study. The book has been updated with a special focus on refined methods for housing and handling pigs, including an updated description of commonly performed experimental and surgical procedures.Continuing its legacy as the premier reference on the care and use of pigs in the laboratory, the small, practical, and accessible format makes this an easy "go-to" book, with easy-to-find information and high-quality color images. The third edition aims to contribute to humane use and care for laboratory pigs in all aspects of housing, husbandry, veterinary care, and experimental techniques.
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