met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
With the number of surgical procedures requiring sedation increasing every year, most hospitals and other facilities now have a procedural (moderate/deep) sedation program. The third edition of this popular handbook provides concise, practical, and evidence-based guidance on safe and effective procedural sedation. Featuring contributions from national experts, chapters cover the description/definition of sedation levels, patient evaluation, pharmacology, legal and quality assurance issues, as well as sedation for specific populations (ambulatory/office settings, elderly, pediatric, ICU, emergency room, endoscopy, reproductive technologies). The book also reviews the specific clinical and administrative considerations for the nursing and PA staff often involved in administering sedation. Comprehensively updated to incorporate the most current, evidence-based information including updates to existing guidelines, patient outcomes data from the most recently published papers and expanded sedation-related content in sub-specialties. An essential manual for a wide array of healthcare providers to develop safer techniques, policies, and procedures for moderate and sedation.
Cambridge University Press
19 december 2024
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