met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
This atlas provides a comprehensive outline of all but the very rarest salivary gland diseases, detailing the most common benign and malignant tumors with their radiological, cytopathological, and histological features. The differential diagnosis of each tumor is presented with essential tips on the use of fine needle aspiration (FNA) and making a correct diagnosis. Three separate chapters are dedicated to: introduction to salivary gland FNA with emphasis on the technique used to perform the aspiration; the surgical anatomy of these glands; and the various radiological characteristics of these lesions, including primarily CT scans and MRI studies. CONTENTS 1 Introduction ( Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, MD, FIAC ). 2 Surgical anatomy of salivary glands and synopsis of the surgical approach ( Ozlem E. Tulunay-Ugur, MD ). 3 Radiological investigation of salivary gland lesions ( Imad Zak, MD ). 4 Infectious and inflammatory diseases of salivary glands ( Wael N. Zakaria, MD, Isam A. Eltoum, MD, MBA, FIAC, and Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, MD, FIAC ). 5 Pleomorphic adenoma ( Jining Feng, MD, PhD and Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, MD, FIAC ). 6 Warthin’s tumor ( Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, MD, FIAC ). 7 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma ( Ruba Halloush, MD ). 8 Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma ( Husain A. Saleh, MD, FIAC, MBA ). 9 Acinic cell carcinoma Eyas ( M. Hattab, MD and Harvey M. Cramer, MD, FRCP(C) ). 10 Basaloid tumors of salivary glands ( Jerzy Klijanienko, MD, PhD,MIAC and Isam A. Eltoum, MD, MBA, FIAC ). 11 Adenoid cystic carcinoma ( Husain A. Saleh, MD, FIAC, MBA ). 12 Oncocytoma ( Jay K. Wasman, MD and Fadi W. Abdul-Karim, MD ). 13 Myoepithelioma and related lesions ( Pamela Papas, MD and Momin T. Siddiqui, MD ). 14 Polymorphous low-grade carcinoma ( Jerzy Klijanienko, MD, PhD,MIAC and Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, MD, FIAC ). 15 Salivary duct carcinoma ( Jerzy Klijanienko, MD, PhD,MIAC and Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, MD, FIAC ). 16 Salivary gland lymphomas ( Mohammad Abuel-Haija, MBBS and Magdalena Czader, MD ). 17 Metastases and rare primary neoplasms of salivary glands ( Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, MD, FIAC ).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
25 maart 2011
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