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Vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance rank amongst the most common presenting symptoms in neurology, otorhinolaryngology, geriatric medicine, and general practice. These symptoms can originate from many different organs and systems, e.g. the inner ear, general medical conditions, and neurological and psychological disorders.The Oxford Textbook of Vertigo and Imbalance, Second Edition provides an up-to-date summary of the scientific basis, clinical diagnosis, and management of disorders that lead to dizziness and poor balance. The Second Edition has been thoroughly revised and all chapters have been fully reviewed and updated since the last edition 10 years ago. This edition features 29 fully updated chapters and four new chapters on vestibular surgery, traumatic brain injury, dizziness in children, and dizziness in the elderly.The textbook is conceptually divided into three sections, detailing the scientific basis, general clinical issues, and specific diseases diagnosed in clinical practice that are responsible for complaints of dizziness and imbalance. Individual chapters address benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular migraine, vestibular neuritis, stroke, and Meniere's disease. Additional chapters follow a syndrome-based approach and cover multiple conditions, including cerebellar disorders, bilateral vestibular failure, and psychological disorders.
Oxford University Press
19 maart 2025
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