met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
ICD-11 Personality Disorders is a comprehensive and clinically helpful overview of ICD-11 personality disorders and related traits, and offers clinical illustrations to guide practitioners. The volume describes central aspects that are used to determine the presence and severity of personality dysfunction including topics such as identity and agency, malignant self-regard and depressivity, grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, interpersonal dependency, social cognition and perspective-taking, emotion regulation and affect integration, dissociative and psychotic features, psychopathy and interpersonal harm, and self-harm.The volume provides differential diagnostic guidelines in relation to other persistent mental disorders such as autism spectrum, ADHD, schizotypal disorder, bipolar disorders, and Complex PTSD. The wide array of contributors integrate a range of evidence-based psychotherapy approaches including Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), Transference-Focused Therapy (TFP), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (MIT), Good Psychiatric Management (GPM), Nidotherapy, and Schema Therapy to describe the available instruments and measures, including how to use different sources of diagnostic information.
Oxford University Press
20 februari 2025
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Psychotic Disorders
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