met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
The Oxford Handbook of Medical Education is a practical, easy-to-read guide on medical education for busy doctors and healthcare professionals. Tailored for medical practitioners at all levels who wish to engage in education but may lack the time or expertise for in-depth research, this handbook offers practical advice alongside case studies and scenarios based on experts' educational experiences. The chapters have been designed to follow an easy-to-navigate structure and can be read in isolation or sequentially as part of a broader, more comprehensive exploration of the field of medical education. The handbook contains the accessible features you would expect from the Oxford Medical Handbook series, including lists, tables, figures, and pop-out boxes. It is a portable guide, quickly referenced and applied, particularly when teaching opportunities arise spontaneously.Drawing on the expertise of experienced scholars and educators internationally, and across stages of their educational and academic careers, this comprehensive volume offers advice within the key domains of medical education. These include: curriculum design, assessment, learning strategies, clinical teaching, educational theory, and the integration of technology. In addition to its focus on educational practice, this handbook should also appeal to those exploring medical education research for the first time, either as readers of research, or researchers themselves, given the inclusion of content on conducting medical education research.In sum, by synthesising foundational research and practical wisdom, the Oxford Handbook of Medical Education offers readers an opportunity to develop their understanding of the principles and practices that shape contemporary medical education. In doing so, we hope readers will feel empowered to make evidence- and experience-based changes to their educational practice to improve learners' and patients' experiences of education and care.
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