This book provides an easily understood and general overview of the basic medical, scientific, and clinical aspects of cancer. Causes, pathology, clinical features, diagnostic investigations, treatments, and outcomes are all carefully explained and discussed. This second edition includes a number of updates, especially concerning personalized medicine and regional chemotherapy. The reader will acquire a clear understanding of how and why people develop cancer, how the body reacts to cancer, what can be done to prevent the disease, and how the various cancers are best diagnosed and treated. Basics of Oncology will serve as a sound platform for the more detailed or specific studies that may be needed in different areas of practice. It will be invaluable for students of medicine, nurse oncologists, students of medical sciences, and other health professionals in all parts of the world.
Part I: THE CANCER PROBLEM: What is Malignancy?.- Epidemiology.- Summary of Practical Measures to Prevent Cancer.- Part II: GENERAL FEATURES OF CANCER - PRESENTATION AND MANAGEMENT: Symptoms of Cancer: Local and General.- Signs of Cancer: Local and General.- Clinico-Pathology of Cancers.- Investigations That May Be Useful in Detecting Cancer.- Treating Cancer.- Relationship Between Patients, Their Doctors and the Healthcare Team. Part III: MOST COMMON CANCERS.- Skin Cancers.- Lung Cancer (Bronchogenic Carcinoma).- Breast Cancer.- Cancers of the Digestive System (Alimentary Tract).- Head and Neck Cancers.- Cancers of Female Genital Organs.- Cancers of the Male Genital Organs.- Cancers of Bladder and Kidneys.- Cancers of the Brain and Nervous System.- The Leukaemias and Lymphomas.- Soft-Tissue Sarcomas.- Malignant Tumours of Bone and Cartilage.- Metastatic (Secondary) Cancer. Part IV: MAKING PROGRESS: Techniques and Evidence of Progress.- Future Directions.
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