Ensure readiness for the USMLE® or any other high-stakes exam
The Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE® 3-volume set covers
Clinical Anatomy by Mark Hankin, Dennis Morse, Judith Venuti, and Malli Barremkala
Medical Neuroscience by Manas Das and Lee Baugh
Medical Histology and Embryology by Manas Das
Key Highlights
20% discount over the purchase of the individual volumes.
Over 1,700 USMLE®-style multiple choice questions, classified as easy, moderate, and difficult, with detailed explanations.
Approximately 25% of questions are image-based, mirroring the USMLE® format
Questions begin with a clinical vignette and are based on actual case reports, often incorporating patient and diagnostic images.
This essential resource will help you assess your knowledge and fully prepare for the USMLE® Step 1 or COMLEX Level 1 exam.
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