Bringing together conventional contrast media studies, computed tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide imaging including hybrid imaging using SPECT-CT and PET-CT, DXA studies and digital interventional procedures into one volume, this definitive book is the essential source of information on the use and application of these imaging modalities in radiography.
Taking a systemic anatomical approach, carefully designed to be clear and consistent throughout and mirroring that in the popular and established textbook Clark’s Positioning in Radiography, each chapter is highly illustrated and contains sections detailing anatomy, pathologic considerations, procedure methodology, and an evaluation of recommended imaging modalities.
Reflecting the latest clinical imaging pathways and referral guidelines including IR(ME)R 2017, the Map of Medicine and RCR iRefer (8E), Clark’s Diagnostic Imaging Procedures will quickly become established as the standard textbook for students of radiography and radiographer assistant trainees and an invaluable desk reference for practising radiologists.
"This book is useful for under and postgraduate radiographic students when investigating alternative diagnostic investigations other than radiography. It is useful in clinical practice as a reference for providing advice on what gold standard imaging/investigations can be utilised in a patient’s diagnostic pathway." -RAD Magazine
Table of Contents
Authors and contributors
Origin of Clark’s textbooks
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Contrast enhancement agents and radiopharmaceuticals
Chapter 3 Musculoskeletal system
Chapter 4 Respiratory system
Chapter 5 Gastrointestinal tract and salivary glands
Chapter 6 Liver and biliary system, pancreas and spleen
Chapter 7 Urinary system
Chapter 8 Reproductive system
Chapter 9 Cardiovascular system
Chapter 10 Endocrine system
Chapter 11 Central nervous system
Chapter 12 Breast imaging
Chapter 13 Miscellaneous procedures
A Stewart Whitley FCR, TDCR, HDCR, FETC is currently Radiology Advisor, UK Radiology Advisory Services and the Director of Professional Practice for the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) having previously been the ISRRT Treasurer for 8 years and engaged with a number of WHO and IAEA committees . Stewart was formerly the Radiology and Physiotherapy Business Manager for the Radiology Directorate at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, Blackpool, Lancashire, UK. Stewart, in his role as senior author, has been long associated with the Clark’s Positioning in Radiography text books and involvement with the Clark’s pocket book series.
Jan Dodgeon MSc, DCR(R), DMU is Senior Lecturer and former Programme Leader for Advanced Medical Imaging (Radiology and Ultrasound), University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester, UK
Angela Meadows MSc, BSc(Hons) is Unit Manager, Preston PET CT Centre (Alliance Medical in Partnership with Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust), Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, Lancashire, UK
Jane Cullingworth PhD, MSc, HDCR, PGCert is Superintendent Radiographer (MRI), Scarborough Hospital, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Scarborough, Yorkshire, UK
Ken Holmes FCR, MSc, TDCR, DRI, CertCI is Senior Lecturer, School of Medical Imaging Sciences, University of Cumbria, Carlisle and Lancaster, UK
Marcus Jackson DCR(R), BSc(Hons), MA, PgD, EdD, PGCHE, SFHEA is Associate Professor, Head of Department of Radiography and Associate Dean (Student Experience), Kingston and St. George’s Joint Faculty, Joint Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Department of Radiography, School of Allied Health, Social Care and Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, London, UK
Graham Hoadley BSc(Hons), MBBS, FRCR is Consultant Radiologist and former Director of Radiology, Blackpool Victoria Hospital, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Blackpool, Lancashire, UK
Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha MBBS, FRCR, CCT is Consultant Radiologist, Bristol Royal Infirmary, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, UK
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