This book is divided into two sections. The first section addresses the general aspects of diagnosis and management, including clinical approach, radiographic approach, physiological changes, and classification. The second section details each individual form of interstitial lung disease. Organized in an easy to follow format, each disease specific chapter includes tables outlining diagnostic approach, differential diagnosis, disease monitoring, and treatment. Illustrative cases, replete with high quality HRCT images, bring an added dimension to this outstanding book.
From the reviews of the second edition:
“The purpose is to provide clear and specific recommendations for the management of a variety of interstitial lung diseases. … The target audience … is clinicians specializing in pulmonary medicine, which is appropriate. … For pulmonologists, this is an excellent resource on interstitial lung diseases. It provides relevant points in caring for patients with each disease. This edition provides updated recommendations based on advances made in the diagnostic approach and particularly the treatment options.” (Anita Amin, Doody’s Review Service, April, 2012)Our customer service is happy to help. Consult our frequently asked questions or contact us.
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