Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspectspresents a concise, clinically relevant reference to goat and cattle anatomy, with color schematic illustrations and embalmed arterially injected prosection images for comparison.
Offers 244 color images depicting goat and cattle anatomy
Provides selected line drawings correlated to dissection images of embalmed arterially injected specimens
Takes a practical approach, with material organized by body system within each region
Demonstrates the clinical relevance of basic anatomy
Poses review questions in each chapter, with answers and videos provided on a companion website
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
About the companion website xvii
1 The Head, Neck, and Vertebral Column 1
1.1 Skull 2
1.2 Mandible 9
1.3 Paranasal Sinuses 9
1.4 Vertebral Column 14
1.5 Teeth and Age Estimation of Cattle and Small Ruminants (Goats and Sheep) 16
1.5.1 Definitions and Criteria for Estimating the Age of Ruminants 20
1.5.2 Steps for Estimating the Age of Cattle 22
1.6 Joints of the Head 24
1.6.1 Temporomandibular Joint 24
1.6.2 Atlantooccipital Joint 24
1.6.3 Mandibular Symphysis 24
1.6.4 Vertebral Joints 25
1.7 Muscles of the Head 25
1.7.1 Cutaneous Muscles 27
1.7.2 Muscles of Facial Expression 28
1.7.3 Muscles of Mastication 28
1.7.4 Pharyngeal Muscles 28 Nomenclature of Pharyngeal Muscles 29
1.7.5 Laryngeal Muscles 29
1.7.6 Hyoid Muscles 29
1.7.7 Lingual Muscles 29
1.7.8 Extraocular Muscles 30
1.8 Blood Vessels, Lymph Nodes, and Nerves of the Head 30
1.8.1 Blood Vessels (Arteries and Veins) 30
1.8.2 Lymph Nodes of the Head and Neck 33
1.8.3 Nerves of the Head 36
1.9 Salivary Glands 40
1.10 The Pharynx 40
1.10.1 Oropharynx 40
1.10.2 Nasopharynx 40
1.10.3 Laryngopharynx 41
1.11 Tongue 41
1.12 The Larynx and Hyoid Apparatus 43
1.12.1 Larynx 43
1.12.2 Hyoid Apparatus 44
1.13 The Eye 45
1.13.1 Superficial Features of the Eye 45
1.13.2 Layers of the Eye 47
1.13.3 Sectioning of the Eyeball 49
1.13.4 Drainage Pathway of the Aqueous Humor 49
1.14 Neck Skeleton 49
1.15 Neck Muscles, Nerves, and Vessels 51
1.15.1 Neck Muscles 51
1.15.2 Nerves of the Neck 56
1.15.3 Blood Vessels of the Neck 57
1.16 Nuchal Ligament 57
1.17 Surface Topography (Head and Neck) 58
1.18 Lab ID List for the Head and Neck 62
2 The Thorax 65
2.1 Introduction 66
2.2 Bones of the Thorax 66
2.3 Thoracic Inlet 67
2.4 Basal Border of the Lung and Area for Lung Auscultation 68
2.5 Diaphragmatic Line of Pleural Reflection 68
2.6 Muscles of the Thoracic Wall 69
2.7 Pleura 72
2.7.1 Parietal Pleura 73
2.7.2 Visceral Pleura 73
2.7.3 Connecting Pleura 73
2.7.4 Content of the Pleura 74
2.7.5 Lung Lobes 74
2.7.6 Mediastinum 74
2.8 Vessels (Arteries and Veins) 75
2.8.1 Blood Circulation: An Overview 75
2.9 Major Veins of the Thorax 76
2.9.1 Cranial Vena Cava 77
2.9.2 Caudal Vena Cava 77
2.9.3 Azygos Veins (Left and Right) 77
2.10 Major Arteries of the Thorax 77
2.10.1 Brachiocephalic Trunk 77
2.10.2 Costocervical Trunk 77
2.10.3 Vertebral Artery 77
2.10.4 Superficial Cervical Artery 78
2.10.5 Internal Thoracic Artery 78
2.11 Lymphatic Structures 78
2.11.1 Thymus 78
2.11.2 Thoracic Duct 78
2.11.3 Mediastinal and Tracheobronchial Lymph Nodes 79
2.12 Nerves (Motor Somatic, Sympathetic, and Parasympathetic) 80
2.12.1 Phrenic Nerve 80
2.12.2 Autonomic Nerves in the Thorax 80
2.12.3 Vagus Nerve 80
2.12.4 Sympathetic Trunk and Sympathetic Ganglia 81
2.13 Heart (Cor) 81
2.13.1 Pericardium 82
2.13.2 External Features of the Heart 82
2.13.3 Interior of the Heart 85
2.14 Point of Maximum Intensity or Puncta Maxima 88
2.15 Lab ID List for the Thorax 88
3 The Abdomen 91
3.1 Lumbar Vertebrae 92
3.1.1 Bovine Lumbar Vertebrae 92
3.1.2 Goat and Sheep Lumbar Vertebrae 92
3.2 Ligaments of Lumbar Vertebrae 93
3.2.1 Supraspinous Ligament 93
3.2.2 Interspinous Ligaments 93
3.2.3 Intertransverse Ligaments 93
3.2.4 Yellow Ligaments (Interarcuate or Ligament Flava) 93
3.2.5 Dorsal and Ventral Longitudinal Ligaments 94
3.2.6 Intervertebral Disc 94
3.3 Abdominal Wall 94
3.3.1 Paralumbar Fossa 94
3.3.2 Nerves of the Paralumbar Fossa (Flank Anesthesia) 94
3.3.3 Cutaneus Trunci and Omobrachialis Muscles 95
3.3.4 Tunica Flava Abdominis 98
3.3.5 External Abdominal Oblique Muscle 98
3.3.6 Internal Abdominal Oblique Muscle 101
3.3.7 Transversus Abdominis Muscle 102
3.3.8 Rectus Abdominis Muscle 102
3.3.9 Rectus Sheath 103
3.4 Abdominal Cavity 103
3.4.1 Dissection Plan 105
3.4.2 Peritoneum 105
3.4.3 Omentum 105
3.4.4 Ruminant Stomach 110
3.5 Intestines 122
3.5.1 Small Intestine 124
3.5.2 Large Intestine 128
3.6 Other Abdominal Organs 130
3.6.1 Liver 130
3.6.2 Spleen 130
3.6.3 Pancreas 130
3.6.4 Kidney 130
3.7 Vessels 134
3.7.1 Arteries 135
3.7.2 Veins 135
3.7.3 Lymphatics 136
3.8 Palpation of the Live Animal 137
3.9 Lab ID List for the Abdomen 137
4 The Pelvis and Reproductive Organs 139
4.1 Bones of the Pelvis 140
4.1.1 Os Coxae (Pelvic Bone) 140
4.2 Sacrosciatic Ligament 141
4.3 Pelvic Peritoneal Pouches 141
4.4 Urinary Bladder, Ureters, and Ligaments of the Bladder 143
4.5 Male Genitalia 143
4.5.1 Penis 144
4.5.2 Male Urethra 149
4.5.3 Prepuce 150
4.5.4 Superficial Inguinal (Scrotal) Lymph Nodes 151
4.5.5 Blood Supply to the Pelvic Viscera and Male Genitalia 152
4.5.6 Testes 152
4.5.7 Male Accessory Sex Glands 156
4.6 Female Reproductive Tract 157
4.6.1 Ovaries 158
4.6.2 Uterine Tubes 158
4.6.3 Uterine Horns 158
4.6.4 Uterine Body 159
4.6.5 Uterine Cervix 159
4.6.6 Vagina 161
4.6.7 Female Pudendum 161
4.6.8 Blood Supply of the Female Genital Tract 164
4.6.9 Udder 164
4.7 Live Cow 169
4.8 Lab ID List for the Pelvis and Reproductive Structures 170
5 The Forelimb 173
5.1 Introduction 174
5.2 Bones of the Thoracic Limb 174
5.2.1 Scapula 174
5.2.2 Humerus 176
5.2.3 Radius and Ulna 177
5.2.4 Carpus (Proximal and Distal Rows) 177
5.2.5 Metacarpal Bones (Large Metacarpal or Cannon Bone) 179
5.2.6 Digits 180
5.3 Muscles and Tendons of the Thoracic Limb 181
5.3.1 Extrinsic Muscles of the Forelimb 182
5.3.2 Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb 187
5.4 Retinacula 200
5.5 Carpal Canal 200
5.6 Ligaments of the Digits 201
5.6.1 Proximal Interdigital Ligament 201
5.6.2 Distal Interdigital Ligament 201
5.6.3 Annular Ligaments (Palmar, Proximal, and Distal Digital Annular Ligaments) 201
5.6.4 Digital Annular Ligaments (Proximal and Distal) 201
5.7 Hoof (Wall, Sole, Bulb, and White Line) 201
5.8 Arteries and Nerves of the Thoracic Limb 203
5.8.1 Nomenclature of Blood Vessels and Nerves in the Distal Limb 203
5.9 Veins of the Forelimb 205
5.10 Lymphatics of the Thoracic Limb 206
5.11 Nerves of the Thoracic Limb 207
5.11.1 Suprascapular Nerve 207
5.11.2 Subscapular Nerve 207
5.11.3 Axillary Nerve 208
5.11.4 Musculocutaneous Nerve 209
5.11.5 Radial Nerve 209
5.11.6 Median and Ulnar Nerves 212
5.12 Joints of the Forelimbs 212
5.12.1 Shoulder Joint 213
5.12.2 Elbow Joint 214
5.12.3 Carpal Joints 214
5.12.4 Digital Joints 215
6 The Hind Limb 217
6.1 Bones of the Hind Limb 218
6.1.1 Os Coxae (Hip Bone) 218
6.1.2 Femur (Thighbone) 218
6.1.3 Bones of the Leg (Crus) 221
6.1.4 Tarsal Bones 222
6.1.5 Fused Metatarsals III and IV (Large Metatarsal Bone) 223
6.1.6 Metatarsal Sesamoid Bone 224
6.2 Muscles of the Pelvic Limb 224
6.2.1 Muscles Acting on the Hip Joint 224
6.2.2 Muscles Acting on the Stifle Joint 231
6.2.3 Muscles Acting on the Hock and Digits 233
6.3 Blood Vessels and Nerves of the Hind Limbs 238
6.3.1 Overview of Arterial Blood Supply to the Whole Hind Limb 239
6.3.2 Veins of the Hind Limb 241
6.3.3 Lymphatic Structures of the Hind Limb 242
6.3.4 Nerves of the Hind Limb 243
6.4 Joints of the Hind Limb 249
6.4.1 Hip Joint 249
6.4.2 Stifle Joint 249
6.4.3 Hock (or Tarsus) Joint 250
6.5 Live Cow 250
6.6 Lab ID List for Forelimb and Hind Limb 250
Appendix A Dissection Instructions for a Goat Cadaver 255
A.1 Dissection Labs 255
A.2 Dissection of Goat Neck and Body Cavities (Labs, 1, 2, and 3) 255
A.2.1 Removal of the Thoracic Limb 255
A.2.2 Removal of the Pelvic (Hind) Limb 256
A.2.3 Skinning of the Neck and Flank on the Side Where the Limbs are Removed 256
A.2.4 Opening the Thorax and Abdomen for Studying the Topography on the Left and Right Sides 257
A.2.5 Thorax 258
A.2.6 Abdomen (In Situ and on Extirpated Viscera) 260
A.3 Dissection of Male and Female Pelvis (Lab 4) 260
A.4 Head Dissection (Lab 5) 261
A.5 Forelimb Dissection (Labs 6 and 7) 261
A.6 Hind Limb Dissection (Labs 8 and 9) 261
Appendix B Further Reading 263
Index 265
Mahmoud Mansour, DVM, PhD is Professor of Veterinary Anatomy at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, USA.
Ray Wilhite, MS, PhD is Anatomy Laboratory Coordinator at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, USA.
Joe Rowe, DVM is Gross Anatomy Lecturer at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, USA.
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