In light of new recommendations for intrapartum care, this fully updated second edition offers a review of best practice in all aspects of labour and delivery. This authoritative guide incorporates revised recommendations from the latest MBRRACE-UK Report, NICE guidelines, Cochrane Reviews and RCOG Green-top Guidelines to provide advice that is in line with the latest research and practice. New chapters cover the aspects of non-technical skills, ranging from leadership and team work to situational awareness and decision making. This edition also emphasises the problem of adherent placenta and discusses how it should be managed. With its modern, evidence-based approach, Best Practice in Labour and Delivery is the ideal textbook for those training in labour ward practice and studying for postgraduate examinations. Offering clear and practical guidance, this comprehensive book will help all obstetricians, obstetric anaesthetists, midwives and nurse practitioners to understand and deliver the best clinical care to patients.
Every chapter has been rewritten after reviewing the subject in the latest MBRACCE-UK Report, Cochrane database, RCOG Green-top and other guidelines - completely up to date and authoritative
The book has been mapped on the curriculum and syllabus of the Advanced Training Skills Module on intrapartum care for MRCOG trainees - this makes it an ideal book for O&G specialist trainees and midwives
Several new diagrams and pictures have been added to the chapters in the book, making the text more accessible - easier to understand the topic being discussed
Table of Contents
List of contributors
1. Pelvic and fetal cranial anatomy and stages and mechanism of labour K. Muhunthan
2. The first stage of labour Daisy Nirmal and David Fraser
3. Analgesia and anaesthesia in labour Mark Porter
4. Intrapartum fetal monitoring Savvas Argyridis and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
5. Uterine contractions Christofides Agathoklis and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
6. The management of intrapartum 'fetal distress' Laura Coleman and Bryony Strachan
7. Nutrition and hydration in labour David Fraser and Jonathon Francis
8. Prolonged second stage of labour including difficult decision-making on operative vaginal delivery and caesarean section Deirdre J. Murphy
9. Instrumental vaginal deliveries: indications, techniques and complications Gabriel Kalakoutis, Stergios Doumouchtsis and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
10. Caesarean deliveries: indications, techniques and complications Gerard H. A. Visser
11. Breech and twin delivery Stephen Walkinshaw
12. Cord prolapse and shoulder dystocia Joanna Crofts
13. Antepartum haemorrhage Neelam Potdar, Osric Navti and Justin C. Konje
14. Management of the third stage of labour Hajeb Kamali and Pina Amin
15. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) Anushuya Devi Kasi and Edwin Chandraharan
16. Management of morbidly adherent placenta Rosemary Townsend and Edwin Chandraharan
17. Acute illness and maternal collapse in the postpartum period Jessica Hoyle, Guy Jackson and Steve Yentis
18. Episiotomy and obstetric perineal trauma Ranee Thakar and Abdul H. Sultan
19. Induction of labour Vikram Talaulikar and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
20. Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM) Austin Ugwumadu
21. The management of preterm labour Jan Joergensen and Ronald Lamont
22. Labour in women with medical disorders Mandish Dhanjal and Catherine Nelson-Piercy
23. Management of women with previous caesarean section Tsz Lin Lo and Tak Yeung Leung
24. Rupture of the uterus Ana Pinas Carrillo and Edwin Chandraharan
25. Management of severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia James J. Walker
26. Neonatal resuscitation and the management of immediate neonatal problems Paul Mannix
27. The immediate puerperium Shankari Arulkumaran
28. Triage and prioritization in a busy labour ward Nina Johns
29. Risk management in intrapartum care Leroy Edozien
30. Teamworking, skills and drills on the labour ward Katie Cornthwaite and Dimitrios M. Siassakos
31. Cerebral palsy arising from events in labour Mariana Rei and Diogo Ayres-de-Campos
32. Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) in obstetrics Melissa Whitten
33. Non-technical skills to improve obstetric practice Kim Hinshaw
Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London
Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran is Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St George's University of London, Foundation Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Nicosia, and Visiting Professor, Institute of Global Health, Imperial College London.
K. Muhunthan, Daisy Nirmal, David Fraser, Mark Porter, Savvas Argyridis, Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, Christofides Agathoklis, Laura Coleman, Bryony Strachan, Jonathon Francis, Deirdre J. Murphy, Gabriel Kalakoutis, Stergios Doumouchtsis, Gerard H. A. Visser, Stephen Walkinshaw, Joanna Crofts, Neelam Potdar, Osric Navti, Justin C. Konje, Hajeb Kamali, Pina Amin, Anushuya Devi Kasi, Edwin Chandraharan, Rosemary Townsend, Jessica Hoyle, Guy Jackson, Steve Yentis, Ranee Thakar, Abdul H. Sultan, Vikram Talaulikar, Austin Ugwumadu, Jan Joergensen, Ronald Lamont, Mandish Dhanjal, Catherine Nelson-Piercy, Tsz Lin Lo, Tak Yeung Leung, Ana Pinas Carrillo, James J. Walker, Paul Mannix, Shankari Arulkumaran, Nina Johns, Leroy Edozien, Katie Cornthwaite, Dimitrios M. Siassakos, Mariana Rei, Diogo Ayres-de-Campos, Melissa Whitten, Kim Hinshaw
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