Part III contains sections on the principles of and broader aspects of management which are applicable to musculoskeletal disorders of both the spine and periphery. Topics include models for management prescription, communication and pain management and contemporary principles of management for the articular, nervous and sensorimotor systems. In recognition of the patient centred and inclusive nature of contemporary musculoskeletal practice, there is also discussion about how physiotherapists may use cognitive behavioural therapies when treating people with chronic musculoskeletal disorders.
The final part of the book focuses on selected contemporary issues in clinical practice for a particular region, condition or the most topical approaches to the diagnosis and management of a region. A critical review of the evidence (or developing evidence) for approaches is given and areas for future work are highlighted.
Table of Contents:
Part 1
1. Introduction to text
Part 2: Advances in theory and practice
Section 2.1: Advances in Basic Science
2. The neurophysiology of pain and pain modulation: Modern pain neuroscience for musculoskeletal therapists
3. Neurophysiology of movement intro
3. Neuro-electrochemistry of movement
4. Postural control and sensorimotor integration
5. Motor control and motor learning
6. Interaction between pain & sensorimotor control
7. Neuromuscular adaptations to exercise
8. The peripheral nervous system
9. Functional Anatomy
(A) The cervical and thoracic spines
(B) The lumbar spine
10. Tendon and Tendinopathy
(A) Tendon and Tendon Pathology
(B) Managing Tendinopathies
11. Lifestyle and musculoskeletal health
12. Ageing and the musculoskeletal system
Section 2.2: Advances in measurement methods
13. Movement analysis
14. New developments in ultrasound imaging in physiotherapy practice and research
15. Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Measures
16. Musculoskeletal Pain in the Human Brain: Insights From Functional Brain Imaging Techniques
17. Advances in measurement methods EMG
18. Non-invasive brain stimulation in the measurement and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders
19. Musculoskeletal modelling
20. Quantitative Sensory Testing: Implications for clinical practice
21. Outcome measures in musculoskeletal practice
Section 2.3: Research approaches for musculoskeletal physiotherapy
22. Clinical Research to Test Treatment Effects
(A) Classic multiple group parallel design randomized controlled trial (RCT)
(B) The Cross-over Design, Diamond Design, Factorial Design and Fractional Factorial Design
(C) Randomized Withdrawal and Expertise-based Designs
(D) N-of-1 Trial Designs
23. Research methods in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
(A) Quantitative research
(B) Qualitative Research
(C) Approaches to research
24. Standardised data collection, audit and clinical profiling
25. Implementation research
Part 3: Advances in clinical science and practice
Section 3.1: Principles of management
26. Clinical reasoning and models for clinical management
27. Communicating with patients
(A) Patient focused practice and communication: Use of communication in the clinical setting
(B) Patient Education - a collaborative approach
(C) Communicating risk
28. Pain management
(A) The patient’s pain experience
(B) Physical interventions of pain management and potential processes
(C) Educational approaches to pain management
29. Spinal Manipulation
30. Neurodynamic management of the peripheral nervous system
31. Therapeutic exercise: Clinical Prescription
(A) Management of the sensorimotor system: The cervical region
(B) Sensorimotor control of lumbar spine alignment
(C) Management of the sensorimotor system: The lower limb
33. Consideration of cognitive and behavioural influences on physiotherapy practice
34. Adjunct modalities for pain
(A) Electro physical agents
(B) Acupuncture/dry needling
(C) The use of tape in managing spinal pain
35. Cautions in Musculoskeletal Practice
(A) Masqueraders
(B) Haemodynamics and clinical practice
(C) Pre-Manipulative Screening For CranioCervical Ligament Integrity
Section 3.2: The broader scope of management
36. Supported self-management and overview of self-help
37. Role of physiotherapy in lifestyle and health promotion in musculoskeletal conditions
38. Musculoskeletal health in the workplace
39. Screening
(A) Screening for musculoskeletal disorders
(B)What Is Our Baseline for Movement? The Clinical Need for Movement Screening, Testing and Assessment
40. Advanced Roles in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Part 4: Overview of contemporary issues in practice
Section 4.1: Introduction to section
41. Cervical spine: idiopathic neck pain
42. Whiplash Associated Disorders
43. Temporomandibular Disorders. Neuromusculoskeletal Assessment and Management
44. Thoracic spine: Models of assessment and management
(A) Clinical Examination And Targeted Management Of Thoracic Musculoskeletal Pain
(B) Model B
(C) Management of the thoracic spine in patients with COPD
45. Lumbar spine
(A) The McKenzie method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy - an overview
(B) Multi-dimensional classification system for Low Back Pain
(C) Treatment based classification system
(D) Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Low Back
(E) The role of motor control training
46. SI joint (Pelvic pain): Models of assessment and management
(A) A person centred biopsychosocial approach to assessment and management of pelvic girdle pain
(B) The Pelvic Girdle - a Look at how Time, Experience and Evidence Change Paradigms
(C) A critical viewpoint on models, testing and treatment of patients with lumbopelvic pain
47. Hip-related pain
48. The Knee:
(A) Acute knee injuries
(B) Patellofemoral pain
(C) Knee Osteoarthritis
49. Foot and ankle
50. The shoulder
(A) Shoulder Assessment
(B) Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy & Subacromial Pain Syndrome
(C) The Unstable Shoulder
(D) Posterior Shoulder Tightness
(E) Frozen Shoulder Contraction Syndrome
51. Elbow
52. Wrist/hand
Part 5: Future directions
53. Future directions in research and practice
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