Extensively revised throughout, Nolte's Essentials of the Human Brain, 2nd Edition, offers a reader-friendly overview of neuroscience and neuroanatomy ideal for studying and reviewing for exams. Updated content, integrated pathology and pharmacology for a more clinical focus, and full-color illustrations make a complex subject easier to understand. Test and verify your knowledge with review questions, unlabelled drawings, and more.
New to this edition
Focuses on the clinical aspects of the nervous system with updated neuroscience content, integrated pathology and pharmacology content, and more clinically relevant questions.
Student Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and animations, designed to produce a more rounded learning experience.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nervous System
Chapter 2: Development of the Nervous System
Chapter 3: Gross Anatomy and General Organization of the Central Nervous System
Chapter 4: Meningeal Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord
Chapter 5: Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Chapter 6: Blood Supply of the Brain
Chapter 7: Electrical Signaling by Neurons
Chapter 8: Synaptic Transmission between Neurons
Chapter 9: Sensory Receptors and the Peripheral Nervous System
Chapter 10: Spinal Cord
Chapter 11: Organization of the Brainstem
Chapter 12: Cranial Nerves and Their Nuclei
Chapter 13: The Chemical Senses of Taste and Smell
Chapter 14: Hearing and Balance: The Eighth Cranial Nerve
Chapter 15: Brainstem Summary
Chapter 16: The Thalamus and Internal Capsule: Getting to and from the Cerebral Cortex
Chapter 17: The Visual System
Chapter 18: Overview of Motor Systems
Chapter 19: Basal Ganglia
Chapter 20: Cerebellum
Chapter 21: Control of Eye Movements
Chapter 22: Cerebral Cortex
Chapter 23: Drives and Emotions: The Hypothalamus and Limbic System
Chapter 24: Formation, Modification, and Repair of Neuronal Connections
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