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It's the ideal go-to reference for the clinical setting! Compact and easy to use, Manual of Critical Care Nursing, 6th Edition presents essential information on approximately 80 disorders and conditions, as well as concepts relevant to caring for all critically ill patients and functioning in the critical care environment. Award-winning clinical nurse specialists Marianne Baird and Sue Bethel separate the content first by body system and then by disorder, with each disorder including a brief description of pathophysiology, assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, nursing diagnoses, desired outcomes, nursing interventions, and patient teaching and rehabilitation. A concise format presents the material in a way that reflects a practicing nurse's thought processes. Marianne Baird, RN, MN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Center for Nursing Excellence, Saint Joseph's Hospital, Atlanta, GA Sue Bethel, RN, MS, CNRN, Director of Clinical Programs & Research Greenville Hospital Systems University Medical Center Greenville, South Carolina Contents 1. General Concepts in Caring for the Critically Ill Acid-Base Imbalances Alterations in Consciousness Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances Hemodynamic Monitoring Mechanical Ventilation Nutritional Support Pain Prolonged Immobility Sedation and Neuromuscular Blockade Wound and Skin Care 2. Managing the Critical Care Environment Bioterrorism Emerging Infections Emotional and Spiritual Support of the Patient and Significant Others Ethical Considerations in Critical Care Patient Safety NEW! 3. Multisystem Trauma Major Trauma Abdominal Trauma Acute Cardiac Tamponade Acute Spinal Cord Injury Burns Compartment Syndrome/Ischemic Myositis Drowning Pelvic Fractures Renal and Lower Urinary Tract Trauma Traumatic Brain Injury Thoracic Trauma 4. Respiratory Dysfunctions Respiratory Assessment: General Acute Asthma Exacerbation Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Acute Pneumonia Acute Respiratory Failure Pneumothorax Pulmonary Embolus (PE) Pulmonary Hypertension 5. Cardiovascular Dysfunctions Cardiovascular Assessment: General Heart Failure Acute Coronary Syndromes/Coronary Artery Thrombolysis Acute Infective Endocarditis Acute Pericarditis Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection Cardiogenic Shock Cardiomyopathy Dysrhythmias and Conduction Disturbances Hypertensive Emergencies Peripheral Vascular Disease NEW! Valvular Heart Disease 6. Renal Failure Renal Assessment: General Acute Renal Failure/Acute Kidney Injury Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies NEW! 7. Neurologic Dysfunctions Neurologic Assessment: General Brain Death Cerebral Aneurysm and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Care of the Patient after Intracranial Surgery Meningitis Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Disorders Status Epilepticus Stroke: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic 8. Endocrinologic Dysfunctions Endocrinologic Assessment: General Acute Adrenal Insufficiency (Adrenal Crisis) Diabetes Insipidus Hyperglycemia, Ketoacidosis, and Hyperosmolar Syndrome NEW! Myxedema Coma Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Thyrotoxic Crisis (Thyroid Storm) 9. Gastrointestinal Dysfunctions Gastrointestinal Assessment: General Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding Acute Pancreatitis Enterocutaneous Fistulas Hepatic Failure Peritonitis 10. Hematologic/Immunologic Dysfunctions Hematologic Assessment: General Anaphylactic Shock Profound Anemias/Hemolytic Crisis Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders 11. Multisystem Stressors Abdominal Hypertension and Compartment Syndrome Drug Overdose High-Risk Obstetrics Oncologic Emergencies NEW! Organ Transplantation NEW! Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) Appendixes 1. Heart and Breath Sounds 2. Glasgow Coma Scale 3. Cranial Nerves: Assessment and Dysfunctions 4. Major Deep Tendon (Muscle-Stretch) Reflexes 5. Major Superficial (Cutaneous) Reflexes 6. Inotropic and Vasoactive Medication Infusions 7. Sample Relaxation Technique 8. Abbreviations Used in this Manual
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division
Publication date
November 29, 2010
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