Encyclopedia of Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy covers definitions, concepts, methods, theories and applications of clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice. It highlights why and how this field has a significant impact on healthcare. The work brings baseline knowledge, along with the latest, most cutting-edge research. In addition, new treatments, algorithms, standard treatment guidelines, and pharmacotherapies regarding diseases and disorders are also covered. The book's main focus lies on the pharmacy practice side, covering pharmacy practice research, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomics, social and administrative pharmacy, public health pharmacy, pharmaceutical systems research, the future of pharmacy, and new interventional models of pharmaceutical care.
By providing concise expositions on a broad range of topics, this book is an excellent resource for those seeking information beyond their specific areas of expertise. This outstanding reference is essential for anyone involved in the study of pharmacy practice.
Key Features
Provides a ‘one-stop’ resource for access to information written by world-leading scholars in the field
Meticulously organized, with articles split into three clear sections, it is the ideal resource for students, researchers and professionals to find relevant information
Contains concise and accessible chapters that are ideal as an authoritative introduction for non-specialists and readers from the undergraduate level upwards
Includes multimedia options, such as hyperlinked references and further readings, cross-references and videos
Pharmacy students, biomedical students and researchers, clinical pharmacists, hospital pharmacists, clinical trials specialists, pharmaceutical industry, biomedical researchers, specialists and doctors, post graduate and undergraduate students. Pharmaceutical Policy makers, hospital administrators, international agencies, scientific and biomedical organisations, research and advocacy organisations will also benefit
Articles (tentative)
102. Becoming a pharmacist: education and training
103. Becoming a pharmacy assistant and technician: education and training
104. Certification, credentialing and privileging in clinical pharmacy
105. Clinical pharmacy professional standards in Australia and New Zealand
106. Clinical pharmacy professional standards in European Union
107. Clinical pharmacy professional standards in low and middle income countries
109. Clinical pharmacy professional standards in United Kingdom
110. Clinical pharmacy professional standards in United States of America and Canada
111. Competency standards for clinical pharmacists
112. Continuing professional development for clinical pharmacists
114. Developing and evaluating clinical skills
115. Dymanic relationship between education, regulation and practice
116. Experiental education for clinical pharmacists
118. Indicators of quality in community settings
119. Indicators of quality in hospital settings
120. Interprofessional clinical education
121. Leadership in Pharmacy
122. Learning and teaching methods to develop clinical skills
123. Needs based education
124. Patient safety standards
125. Professional standards defining quality services
126. Professionalism as the core competency in pharmacy
127. Quality assurance and quality advancement of pharmacy education
128. Pharmacy Education and Practice in Jordan
129. Using patients and simulation in teaching clinical skills
130. Service learning and competence development for pharmacist
131. Pharmacist workforce issues
201. Definitions and principles, and concepts of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance
202. Descriptive and drug utilisation studies
203. Case-control studies
204. Cohort studies
205. Methodological challenges in epidemiological studies
206. Sources of data used in pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance studies
207. Special population studies to inform medication safety – paediatrics
208. Special population studies to inform medication safety – geriatrics
209. Comparative effectiveness studies
210. Economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals studies
211. Methodological considerations in pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance studies
212. Application of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance studies
301. Access to biosimilars
302. Access to high cost medicines
303. Adherence, compliance and concordance
304. Advertising of prescription medicines
305. Ageing populations and medicine use: A sociological approach
306. Pharmacists in general practice - an ethnographic perspective
307. Changing Behaviour
308. Changing nature/status of pharmacy as a profession and occupation
309. Community pharmacy operations and management
312. Counterfeit medicines
313. The Impact of Culture and Religion on Medicine USe
314. Disease mongering
315. Factors influencing pharmaceutical policy implementation
316. Funding mechanisms for Community Pharmacy service provision
318. Gender trends in pharmacy (global, feminsation, masculinisation…)
319. Generic drug policies
320. Health & Illness beliefs
321. Health literacy
322. Health psychology and pharmacy practice
323. Managing cultural diversity in pharmacy practice
325. Marketing of pharmaceutical services
326. Medication narratives
328. National medicine policies impacting on pharmacy practice
329. Pharmaceutical company sponsored medication assistance programs
330. Pharmaceutical pricing policies
331. Pharmaceuticalisation of people
332. Pharmaceuticals and national health insurance programmes
335. Prescribing behaviours
336. Prescription dispensing through online pharmacies
337. Public and patient engagement
338. Public perceptions of pharmacy services
341. Social Pharmacy: concept, development and theories
342. Sociology for pharmacists
344. World Health Organization essential medicines list and its impact on improving the use of medicines
345. Implementation of change in pharmacy practice
346. Professional Boundaries (IPE)
347. Social Perspectives in Addiction
348. Corporatisation
349. Stigma surrounding medicine use - HIV exemplar
350. External reference pricing and medicines
355. Human Factors
356. Goal Setting
357. Personal Experiences
401. Clinical Governance Principles
402. Clinical pharmacokinetics principles and therapeutic drug monitoring
403. Clinical pharmacy practice: concepts, history and development
405. Developing therapeutic guidelines
406. Poison Information Sources and Typical Guidance & Management of Acute Drug Toxicity
407. End of life care including pharmaceuticals in palliative care
408. Fundementals of Pharmaceutical Care planning
409. Health Outcomes and Quality of Life
412. Role of pharmacist in provision of clinical services in Military
413. Role of pharmacist in provision of clinical services in prisons
416. Long term care
417. Pharmacogenetics
418. Pharmacotherapy and deprescribing
501. Management of cardiovascular disorders and the pharmacist's role: Acute Coronary Syndrome
502. Management of cardiovascular disorders and the pharmacist's role: Arrhythmias
503. Management of cardiovascular disorders and the pharmacist's role: Coronary artery disease & dyslipidemia
504. Management of cardiovascular disorders and the pharmacist's role: Heart Failure
505. Management of cardiovascular disorders and the pharmacist's role: Hypertension
506. Management of cardiovascular disorders and the pharmacist's role: Stroke
507. Management of cardiovascular disorders and the pharmacist's role: Venous thromboembolism and coagulation diso
508. Management of respiratory disorders and the pharmacist's role: Asthma
509. Management of respiratory disorders and the pharmacist's role: COPD
510. Management of respiratory disorders and the pharmacist's role: Cough, colds and Sore throats and allergies (including eyes)
511. Management of respiratory disorders and the pharmacist's role: Cystic Fibrosis
512. Management of gastrointestinal disorders and the pharmacist's: Coeliac disease
513. Management of gastrointestinal disorders and the pharmacist's: Constipation
577. Management of gastrointestinal orders and the pharmacist's: IBS
514. Management of gastrointestinal disorders and the pharmacist's: GORD
515. Management of gastrointestinal disorders and the pharmacist's: Inflammatory bowel disease
518. Management of renal disorders and the pharmacist's role: Acute Kidney Disease
519. Management of renal disorders and the pharmacist's role: Chronic Kidney Disease
520. Management of renal disorders and the pharmacist's role: Renal transplant specialisation
522. Management of endocrine disorders and the pharmacist's role: Adrenal Insufficiency
523. Management of endocrine disorders and the pharmacist's role: Diabetes
525. Management of endocrine disorders and the pharmacist's role: Thyroid
526. Management of obstetrics and gynaecology disorders and the pharmacist's role: Contraception & ECP
527. Management obstetrics and gynaecology disorders and the pharmacist's Role: Menopause and HRT
528. Management of obstetrics and gynaecology disorders and the pharmacist's role: Menstrual disorders
530. Management of urologic disorders and the pharmacist's role: BPH
531. Management of urologic disorders and the pharmacist's role: Erectile dysfunction
532. Management of urologic disorders and the pharmacist's role: Urinary incontinence
534. Management of rheumatology disorders and the pharmacist's role: Osteoarthritis
535. Management of rheumatology disorders and the pharmacist's role: Osteoporosis
536. Management of rheumatology disorders and the pharmacist's role: Rheumatoid Arthritis
537. Management of eye and ear disorders and the pharmacist's role: Glaucoma
538. Management of eye and ear disorders and the pharmacist's role: Infective
539. Management of eye and ear disorders and the pharmacist's role: Common ear disorders
540. Management of neurological disorders and the pharmacist's role: AD
541. Management of neurological disorders and the pharmacist's role: Epilepsy
543. Management of neurological disorders and the pharmacist's role: Pain incl headache
544. Management of Neurological Disorders and the Pharmacist's Role: Parkinson's Disease
547. Management of mental health disorders and the pharmacist's role: Anxiety disorders
548. Management of mental health disorders and the pharmacist's role: Bipolar
549. Management of mental health disorders and the pharmacist's role: Depression
550. Management of mental health disorders and the pharmacist's role: Schizophrenia
551. Management of mental health disorders and the pharmacist's role: Sleep disorders
552. Management of dermatology disorders and the pharmacist's role: Acne
553. Management of dermatology disorders and the pharmacist's role: Common skin conditions
577. Management of Dermatology Disorders and the Pharmacist's Role: Woundcare
555. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role: Antibiotic stewardship
556. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role: bacterial infections
557. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role: Fungal infections
558. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role: Selection of appropriate regimen
559. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role: Viral Infections
560. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role: Immunisations
561. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role: peri -surgical
563. Management of Infectious diseases and the pharmacist's role
564. Nutritional Anemias
567. Management of oncologic disorders and the pharmacist's role: Cancer treatment and chemotherapy
569. Management of nutrition disorders and the pharmacist's role: Role of nutrition in different conditions incl obesity
570. Management of nutrition disorders and the pharmacist's role: Drugs in sport
571. Clinical Pharmacy considerations in special population: drug dose adjustment in hepatic impairment
572. Clinical Pharmacy considerations in special population: Geriatrics
574. Clinical Pharmacy considerations in special population: Pediatrics
575. Clinical Pharmacy considerations in special population: pregnancy and lactation
576. Clinical Pharmacy considerations in ICU incl TPN
352. Philosophical perspective and theories applied in pharmacy practice research
601. Pharmacy practice research evidence: development and historical narrative
602. Research methodologies related to pharmacy practice
603. Quantitative methods in pharmacy practice research
604. Qualtitative methods in pharmacy practice research
605. Health Economics Research: An Emerging Pharmacy Practice Discipline
606. Action research in pharmacy practice
607. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis in pharmacy practice
608. Meta synthesis of qualitative research in pharmacy practice research
609. Mixed methods research in pharmacy practice
610. Publication bias
611. Discrete choice experiment
613. Survey research in pharmacy practice
614. Challenges in producing and acquiring data to produce evidence based pharmacy practice research
615. Quality of qualitative research
616. Clinical pharmacist as a principal investigator in clinical trials
617. Pharmacy Practice Research Evidence: Gaps in evidence for LMIC
618. Implementation Science
701. Medicines Management: The core of pharmacy practice
702. Historical evolution of pharmacy practice
703. Pharmacy Codes of Ethics
704. Community and Ambulatory Pharmacy Practice
705. Hospital pharmacy practice
706. Expanded and evolving roles for pharmacists
707. Cognitive pharmacy services
708. Prescribing: ethics, standards, practices, behaviours, and competencies
709. Professionalism in pharmacy practice
710. The regulation of pharmacy practice
711. Public health and health promotion in pharmacy practice
712. Collaborative and interprofesional pharmacy practice
713. Interpersonal communication in pharmacy practice
714. Evidence-based pharmacy practice using drug information resources
715. Patient counselling and education: models and methods in pharmacy practice
716. Technology and social media applications in pharmacy practice
717. Pediatric pharmacy practice (including infant feeding)
718. Use of complementary/alternative medicines in pharmacy practice
719. Prevention and management of substance misuse and addiction in pharmacy practice
720. Self care/over the counter drugs/minor ailments in pharmacy practice
721. Extemporaneous compounding in pharmacy practice
722. Global Health and pharmacy practice
723. Pharmacy practice in the United Kingdom
724. Pharmacy practice in Canada and the United States
725. Pharmacy Practice in Western Europe
726. Pharmacy practice in Australia and New Zealand
727. Pharmacy practices in Southern Africa
728. Pharmacy practice in China
729. Pharmacy practice in India
730. Pharmacy practice in the Gulf States
731. Pharmacy: a business, a profession, both, or neither?
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