This book is about how birds function--how they fly, how their unique respiratory system works, how they regulate their high body temperature, and how their characteristic reproductive system involving an external egg functions. Such information is needed by veterinarians who treat birds with disturbed physiology, by poultry scientists trying to produce "healthier" eggs, and by biologists and ornithologists who seek to understand how birds are adapted to their environment.
Table of Contents:
Part I. Undergirding Themes
Chapter 1. Avian Genomics
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Genome Size
1.3. Chromosomes
1.4. Genome Sequences
1.5. Annotation
1.6. Genome Browsers
1.7. Genes
1.8. Transposons
1.9. Genome Diversity
1.10. Connecting Sequence to Phenotype
1.11. Conclusions and Summary
Chapter 2. Transcriptomics of Physiological Systems
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Early Efforts
2.3. Nervous System
2.4. Endocrine System
2.5. Reproductive System
2.6. Immune System
2.7. Muscle, Liver, Adipose, and Gastrointestinal Tissues
2.8. Cardiovascular System
2.9. Hurdles and Future Developments
Chapter 3. Avian Proteomics
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Protein Identification and Analysis
3.3. Quantitative Proteomics
3.4. Structural Proteomics
3.5. Application of Proteomics in Avian Research
3.6. Conclusions
Chapter 4. Mitochondrial Physiology
4.1. Mitochondria: An Introduction
4.2. Mitochondrial Inefficiencies
4.3. Matching Energy Production to Energy Need
Part II. Sensory Biology and Nervous System Theme
Chapter 5. The Avian Somatosensory System: A Comparative View
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Body Somatosensory Primary Afferent Projections in Different Species
5.3. Ascending Projections of the Dorsal Column Nuclei
5.4. Telencephalic Projections of Thalamic Nuclei Receiving Somatosensory Input
5.5. Somatosensory Primary Afferent Projections from the Beak and Tongue to the Trigeminal Column
5.6. Nucleus Basorostralis
5.7. The Meeting of the Spinal and Trigeminal Systems
5.8. The Somatosensorimotor System in Birds
5.9. Somatosensory Projections to the Cerebellum
5.10. Magnetoreception and the Trigeminal System
5.11. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 6. Avian Hearing
6.1. Introduction: What Do Birds Hear?
6.2. Outer and Middle Ear
6.3. Basilar Papilla (Cochlea)
6.4. The Auditory Brain
6.5. Summary
Chapter 7. The Chemical Senses in Birds
7.1. Chemical Senses
7.2. Chemesthesis
7.3. Olfaction
7.4. Gustation
Chapter 8. Magnetoreception in Birds and Its Use for Long-Distance Migration
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Magnetic Fields
8.3. The Earth’s Magnetic Field
8.4. Changing Magnetic Fields for Experimental Purposes
8.5. Birds Use Information from the Earth’s Magnetic Field for orientation and navigation
8.6. The Magnetic Compass of Birds
8.7. Do Birds Possess a Magnetic Map?
8.8. Interactions with Other Cues
8.9. How Do Birds Sense the Earth’s Magnetic Field?
8.10. The Induction Hypothesis
8.11. The Iron-Mineral-Based Hypothesis
8.12. The Light-Dependent Hypothesis
8.13. Irreproducible Results and the Urgent Need for Independent Replication
8.14. Where Do We Go from Here?
Chapter 9. The Avian Subpallium and Autonomic Nervous System
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Components of the Subpallium
9.3. Components of the Autonomic Nervous System
9.4. Functional Neural Pathways Involving the Subpallium and ANS
9.5. Summary and Conclusions
Part III. Organ Systems Theme
Chapter 10. Blood
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Plasma
10.3. Erythrocytes
10.4. Blood Gases
10.5. Leukocytes
10.6. Thrombocytes
10.7. Clotting
10.8. Avian Blood Models
Chapter 11. The Cardiovascular System
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Heart
11.3. General Circulatory Hemodynamics
11.4. The Vascular Tree
11.5. Control of the Cardiovascular System
11.6. Environmental Cardiovascular Physiology
Chapter 12. Osmoregulatory Systems of Birds
12.1. Introduction
12.2. The Avian Kidney
12.3. The Avian Lower Gastrointestinal Tract
12.4. The Avian Salt Gland
Chapter 13. Respiration
13.1. Overview
13.2. Anatomy of the Avian Respiratory System
13.3. Ventilation and Respiratory Mechanics
13.4. Pulmonary Circulation
13.5. Gas Transport by Blood
13.6. Pulmonary Gas Exchange
13.7. Tissue Gas Exchange
13.8. Control of Breathing
Chapter 14. Gastrointestinal Anatomy and Physiology
14.1. Anatomy of the Digestive Tract
14.2. Anatomy of the Accessory Organs
14.3. Motility
14.4. Neural and Hormonal Control of Motility
14.5. Secretions and Digestion
14.6. Absorption
14.7. Age-Related Effects on Gastrointestinal Function
Chapter 15. Poultry Bone Development and Bone Disorders
15.1. Introduction
15.2. Bone Development
15.3. Bone Disorders
15.4. Conclusions
Chapter 16. Skeletal Muscle
16.1. Introduction
16.2. Diversity of Avian Skeletal Muscle
16.3. Embryonic Origins of Skeletal Muscle
16.4. Postnatal or Posthatch Skeletal Muscle Development
16.5. Skeletal Muscle Growth
16.6. Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types
16.7. Muscle Structure and Contraction
16.8. Muscle Development: Function of Myogenic Regulatory Factors
16.9. Satellite Cell and Myoblast Heterogeneity
16.10. Maternal Inheritance and Growth Selection on Breast Muscle Morphology
16.11. Effect of Selection for Increased Growth Rate on Muscle Damage
16.12. Extracellular Matrix Regulation of Muscle Development and Growth
16.13. Regulation of Muscle Growth Properties by Cell-Membrane Associated Extracellular Matrix Macromolecules
16.14. Regulation of the Myogenic Regulatory Factors by the Extracellular Matrix
16.15. Novel Genes Involved in Avian Myogenesis
16.16. Summary
Chapter 17. The Avian Immune System
17.1. Introduction
17.2. The Organs and Cells of the Avian Immune Response
17.3. Regulation of the Immune Response
17.4. Summary and Conclusions
Part IV. Metabolism Theme
Chapter 18. Carbohydrate Metabolism
18.1. Overview of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Birds
18.2. Circulating Concentrations of Carbohydrates
18.3. Glucose Utilization
18.4. Glucose Transport
18.5. Intermediary Metabolism
18.6. Gluconeogenesis
18.7. Glycogen
18.8. Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption
18.9. Conclusions
Chapter 19. Adipose Tissue and Lipid Metabolism
19.1. Introduction
19.2. Development of Adipose Tissue
19.3. Adipocyte Proliferation and Differentiation
19.4. Distribution of Body Fat
19.5. Lipid Metabolism
19.6. Functions of Adipose Tissue
19.7. Factors Affecting Fat Metabolism and Deposition
19.8. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 20. Protein Metabolism
20.1. Introduction
20.2. Digestion of Proteins
20.3. Protein Synthesis and Degradation
20.4. Amino Acids and Metabolism
20.5. Extranutritional Effects of Amino Acids
Chapter 21. Food Intake Regulation
21.1. Introduction
21.2. Peripheral Regulation of Food Intake
21.3. CNS Control of Food Intake
21.4. Classical Neurotransmitters
21.5. Peptides
21.6. Selection for Body Weight Alters Food Intake Control Mechanisms
21.7. Differences between Birds and Mammals
Part V. Endocrine Theme
Chapter 22. Avian Endocrine System
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Avian Phylogeny
22.3. Peptides and Other Chemical Messengers Controlling Physiology
22.4. Chemical Messengers Found in Birds but Not Mammals
22.5. Hormones Produced by Nontraditional Endocrine Organs
22.6. Unique Aspects of Birds
22.7. The Enigma of Leptin
Chapter 23. Pituitary Gland
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Anatomy of the Hypothalamic–Hypophyseal Complex
23.3. Gonadotropins
23.4. Thyrotropin
23.5. Growth Hormone
23.6. Prolactin
23.7. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
23.8. Other Anterior Pituitary Peptides
23.9. Functioning of the Pars Tuberalis
23.10. Neurohypophysis
Chapter 24. Thyroids
24.1. Anatomy, Embryology, and Histology of Thyroid Glands
24.2. Thyroid Hormones
24.3. Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Thyroid Axis
24.4. Effects of Thyroid Hormones
24.5. Thyroid Interactions with Other Hormones
24.6. Environmental Influences on Thyroid Function
24.7. Conclusions and Summary
Chapter 25. The Role of Hormones in the Regulation of Bone Turnover and Eggshell Calcification
25.1. Introduction
25.2. Evolutionary Aspects of Egglay and Medullary Bone
25.3. Chemistry and Secretion of Calcium-Regulating Hormones
25.4. Actions of Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitonin, and Vitamin D on Target Organs
25.5. Parathyroid Hormone Related Peptides
25.6. Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide and Amylin
25.7. Prostaglandins and Other Factors
25.8. Conclusions
Chapter 26. Adrenals
26.1. Anatomy
26.2. Adrenocortical Hormones
26.3. Physiology of Adrenocortical Hormones
26.4. Adrenal Chromaffin Tissue Hormones
Chapter 27. Endocrine Pancreas
27.1. Introduction
27.2. Pancreas Embryogenesis and Development
27.3. Insulin and Glucagon Peptides
27.4. Insulin and Glucagon Release
27.5. Glucagon and Insulin Receptors
27.6. General Effects of Glucagon and Insulin
27.7. Experimental or Genetical Models
27.8. Summary and Conclusion
Part VI. Reproductive Theme
Chapter 28. Reproduction in the Female
28.1. Introduction
28.2. Development and Function of the Female Reproductive System
28.3. Ovarian Hormones
28.4. Endocrine and Physiologic Factors Affecting Ovulation and Oviposition
28.5. Reproductive Seasonality, Breeding, and Ovulation–Oviposition Cycles
28.6. Composition and Formation of the Yolk, Albumen, Organic Matrix, and Shell
Chapter 29. Reproduction in Male Birds
29.1. Introduction
29.2. Reproductive Tract Anatomy
29.3. Ontogeny of the Reproductive Tract
29.4. Development and Growth of the Testis
29.5. Hormonal Control of Testicular Function
29.6. Spermatogenesis and Extragonadal Sperm Maturation
29.7. Seasonal Gonadal Recrudescence and Regression
Chapter 30. Reproductive Behavior
30.1. Introduction
30.2. Regulation of Reproductive Behavior
30.3. Environmental Factors
30.4. Social Factors
30.5. Age and Experience
30.6. Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Regulation of Reproductive Behavior
Chapter 31. Brooding
31.1. Introduction
31.2. Brooding (Broodiness)
31.3. Rearing Behavior
Chapter 32. The Physiology of the Avian Embryo
32.1. Introduction
32.2. The Freshly Laid Egg
32.3. Incubation
32.4. Development of Physiological Systems
32.5. Artificial Incubation
32.6. Conclusions and Future Directions
Part VII. Cross Cutting Themes
Chapter 33. Stress in Birds
33.1. Introduction
33.2. Understanding Stress: From Energy to Glucocorticoids
33.3. Adrenocortical Response to Environmental Change
33.4. Phenotypic Plasticity and Selection on the Stress Response
33.5. Field Methods to Study Adrenocortical Function
33.6. Glosary of Terms and Abbreviations
Chapter 34. Circadian Rhythms
34.1. Environmental Cycles
34.2. Circadian Rhythms
34.3. Photoreceptors
34.4. Pacemakers
34.5. Sites of Melatonin Action
34.6. Avian Circadian Organization
34.7. Molecular Biology
34.8. Conclusion and Perspective
Chapter 35. Circannual Cycles and Photoperiodism
35.1. Annual Cycles
35.2. Annual Cycles of Birds
35.3. Circannual Rhythms
35.4. Photoperiodism
35.5. Neuroendocrine Regulation of Photoperiodic Time Measurement
35.6. Molecular Mechanisms of Photoperiodism
35.7. Comparison to Other Vertebrate Taxa
35.8. Conclusion
Chapter 36. Annual Schedules
36.1. Introduction
36.2. Background: Patterns of Environmental Variation and Avian Annual Schedules
36.3. Effects of and Mechanisms of Response to Photoperiod and Other Environmental Cues
36.4. Adaptive Variation in Cue Processing Mechanisms as it Relates to Life in Different Environments
36.5. Integrated Coordination of Stages and Carryover Effects
36.6. Variation in Scheduling Mechanisms and Responses to Human-Induced Rapid Environmental Change
36.7. Effects of Seasonality on Immune Function
36.8. Seasonal Modulation of Immune Function
Chapter 37. Regulation of Body Temperature: Strategies and Mechanisms
37.1. Introduction
37.2. The Evolution of Endothermy
37.3. Different Strategies to Maintain Endothermy
37.4. Regulatory Mechanism of Endothermy
37.5. Physiological Processes That Enable Endothermy
37.6. The Development of Endothermy during Embryogenesis
37.7. The Cost of Maintaining Body Temperature in Poultry Compared with That in Other Bird Species
37.8. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 38. Avian Molting
38.1. Introduction
38.2. Anatomical and Ecological Considerations
38.3. Environmental and Physiological Control
38.4. Conclusions
Chapter 39. Flight
39.1. Introduction
39.2. Scaling
39.3. Energetics of Bird Flight
39.4. The Flight Muscles of Birds
39.5. Development of Locomotor Muscles and Preparation for Flight
39.6. Metabolic Substrate Transport
39.7. The Cardiovascular System
39.8. The Respiratory System
39.9. Migration and Long-Distance Flight Performance
39.10. Flight at High Altitude
Chapter 40. Physiological Challenges of Migration
40.1. General Concepts
40.2. Evolution of Migration
40.3. Cost of Migration
Chapter 41. Actions of Toxicants and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Birds
41.1. Introduction
41.2. Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Utilities and Hazards?
41.3. Life-Cycle of EDCs in the Environment
41.4. Classes of EDCS
41.5. Conclusions
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