Written in a succinct style with each chapter including an overview summary section, numerous illustrations for best comprehension, and end of the chapter questions to assess understanding, The Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry offers broad coverage of biochemical principles for students studying veterinary medicine. Since first year students come into programs with different scientific backgrounds, this text offers students foundational concepts in physiological chemistry and offers numerous opportunities for practice. Bridging the gap between science and clinical application of concepts, this textbook covers cellular level concepts related to the biochemical processes in the entire animal in a student-friendly, approachable manner.
* Updated four color interior design* Instructor website with Powerpoint images for lectures and integrative, sectional testbank * Coverage of cellular level concepts related to biochemical processes in entire animal* Written in a succint manner for quick comprehension * Relevant biochemical and physiologic concepts integrated in an up-to-date, accurate and reliable fashion * Succinct content for quick comprehension * Numerous instructional figures and tables * Helpful learning objectives and multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter * Easy-access instructor PowerPoint illustrations offered on a companion website
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